Intercollege submits the Articles of Association for the creation of a non-profit institution that will seek university status to the Minister of Education.

Total enrolment reaches 3900.

The Rector of Intercollege and four School Deans complete their first year of service.

The Senate of Intercollege is set as the top academic body and begins functioning.

Number of international students: 846 from 52 countries.

Intercollege has a total staff of 415, including 160 full-time faculty, 128 part-time faculty, and 127 administrative and support staff. Included are 90 faculty members that hold a PhD.

Research output this year includes 6 books, 7 monographs, and 17 chapters in books, 74 journal papers and 68 conference proceedings.

Externally funded research amounting to CYP 430,000 (EUR 734,699) comes from the Research Promotion Foundation, UNOPS, the 5th Framework, the Leonardo Da Vinci programme etc.

Intercollege has training centres in Athens and Salonica, claiming 95% of the market in professional training (Certified Accounting, Chartered Financial Analysts, Institute of Bankers, and Certified Internal Auditors).

Intercollege creates the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, the Center for Sustainable Development, a Business Incubator Unit and a Unit for Distance and Work-Based Learning.

Seven faculty members and collaborators have 7 books published, with 6 of these published by Intercollege Press.

The Radio and TV Unit produces TV clips for the Red Cross, the Telethon, Doctors of the World, the Anti-Cancer Society and the Movement of Non-Smokers.

A new programme in English Language and Literature and a graduate programme in Special Education get started.