ENTERX: Entrepreneurship in VET – Exploring the European Experience
Erasmus+ KA1 VET learner and staff mobility project ENTEREX – Entrepreneurship in VET: Exploring the European Experience (Agreement No 2015-1-CY01-KA102-011813)
The ENTEREX project (2015-2016) aims to increase entrepreneurship of young people – VET students – as well as the ability of VET teachers to influence the development of these skills and competences – by offering opportunities to acquire experience abroad, improve intercultural communication and language skills, as well as strengthen the self-confidence and independence of students and pedagogical competences of teachers.
In the framework of ENTEREX, 32 students were offered a two-week practical training programme, while 15 teachers participated in a one-week programme in the Netherlands. The project was implemented by a consortium consisting of X-Panel Ltd, Intercollege, Cyprus College, Lefkosia Technical School 2 and Stichting Business Development Friesland (Netherlands).
The work placements focussed on the development of entrepreneurial thinking and business planning/ management tools. Innovative tools and methodologies, such as the Business Model Canvas and Lego Serious Play, were employed to address issues relating to Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship. The participants learned the basics of business modelling, had an opportunity to see how entrepreneurship is supported in the Netherlands and experience the local culture.
All participants received the Europass Mobility Document showing the competences acquired during their mobility programme.
This project was funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.