

Our nautical laboratories and simulators provide students with a state-of-the-art learning environment to explore the maritime industry. Equipped with advanced equipment and simulators, these labs offer hands-on training in various nautical disciplines, including navigation, seamanship, and marine technology.

Maritime Labs Spotlight

A Closer Look at Our Maritime Facilities

Advanced simulations and state-of-the-art facilities, preparing for real-world maritime scenarios and sharpening decision-making skills.

Hands-on training in navigating complex challenges through the unparalleled access to real-world simulation environments.

Partnerships with shipping companies providing practical knowledge and competencies, equipping students to thrive in the dynamic world of merchant shipping.

Building professional network through established relationships with exclusive access to cutting-edge facilities and simulation technologies.

State-of-the-Art Maritime Facilities


Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) – Maritime Training Center (MTC)

Intercollege in collaboration with BSM – MTC, offers a comprehensive range of specialized training programs designed to equip maritime professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the ever-evolving challenges of the industry. The training portfolio includes courses, such as:

  • Bridge Resource Management (BRM), which focuses on enhancing students-cadets their teamwork, communication, and decision-making abilities for effective bridge operations.
  • Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) that provides student-cadets with hands-on experience in utilizing radar systems to ensure safe navigation and collision avoidance.
  • Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) that enables student-cadets to proficiently navigate using electronic charts, enhancing situational awareness and operational efficiency.
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) that equips student-cadets with essential skills to handle emergency communications and distress situations at sea.
  • Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (SCRB) that imparts the necessary competence to student-cadets to operate and manage survival craft and rescue boats effectively.
  • Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) that equips student-cadets with advanced firefighting techniques and strategies, ensuring their preparedness to handle onboard fire emergencies.
  • Medical First Aid (MFA) that provides to student-cadets comprehensive training in maritime medical care, equipping participants with essential first aid skills and knowledge.

These training courses, delivered by experienced industry professionals, combine theoretical knowledge with practical simulations to ensure participants are well-prepared to face the challenges of their maritime careers.


Petronav Shipmanagement

Intercollege in collaboration with Petronav Shipmanagement, offers a range of essential training programs aimed at providing student cadets with a strong foundation in maritime safety and onboard operations. Among these training programs is Basic Safety Training course that covers fundamental safety procedures, including:

  • Personal survival techniques
  • Fire prevention and firefighting
  • Elementary first aid
  • Personal safety and social responsibility

This comprehensive program ensures that student cadets are well-prepared to handle emergency situations and adhere to industry safety standards.

Intercollege and Petronav Shipmanagement offer a specialized 2-day Onboard Familiarization course designed to familiarize student cadets with the specific processes and operations that take place on board a ship. This course covers key aspects such as safety procedures, deck work, communication systems, and other essential onboard protocols. By providing hands-on experience and practical knowledge, student cadets are prepared to seamlessly integrate into the working environment of a ship, enhancing their understanding of day-to-day operations and promoting a safe and efficient onboard experience.